I have read one of the leading Tagalog newspaper here in the Philippines this morning and I happened to had a glance at one of the article concerning details about scientifically proven positive effects of nuts in our body.
I believe that a lot of people are now having problems about having large fats especially on the belly part and others that deals with their current health situation like people having high blood pressures, high blood sugar and  patients that has a metabolic syndrome ( MetS) that possesses the appearance of excess abdominal fats.

This information that I`ve got might be useful to help them with their problems and may help reduce the risk of having heart attacks, diabetes and depressions.

It is being said that eating a handful of nuts can give high level of serotonin ( a kind of substance that can help reduce your appetite and increase the feeling of being happy and healthy heart).About 90 percent of the whole nut is being said that has a serotonin content that can affect the central nervous system which regulates our mood and appetite.According to the research done by the University of Barcelona, eating a handful of unpeeled walnut, almond and hazelnut are now positively proven. Nuts contains healthy fats and antioxidants that flushes away excess fats and prevent the occurrence of type 2 diabetes and heart attack.To make the final study done, they will conduct an experiment on some patients to undergo nut-enriched diet within 2 weeks to compare with patients under the regular nut-free diet.

Some professional experts claimed that nuts can be prescribed as medicine for several conditions like depression, anxiety disorder, scialphobia treat due to its enough serotonin content in the body.

All of the information I`ve gathered above are just some of the details I`ve read from the article this morning. And I just simply want to share it with you. For better prescriptions about medications on serious health problems I would still insist that you better see your doctor.God bless!!! :)

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