I was inspired by this yummy and yet creamylicious    Pasta recipe I have learned from my younger sister who really loves to cook pasta carbonara often and this is actually one of her specialties that I really love to eat and I strongly suggest that you must try this! So here we go......

Ingredients :

1 kilo fetuccini pasta
1/2 kilo bacon
1/2 kilo sweet or honey glazed ham
4 cans of 470 ml Evaporated full cream milk
4 pouches of  nestle all pourpose cream
1 tablespoon melted butter
4 cloves garlic, minced
1 onion, chopped or minced
1 1/2 pack of  Cream of mushroom soup, powdered
1 cup water

Preparations :

  • Bring water to boil and put 1 tablespoon butter. Add pasta and set to cook until perfect.

  • Melt butter on a saucepan and saute garlic and oinions until slightly brown and add the bacon and ham. We don't have to put salted seasoning at this time because one of the ingredients here will contribute its naturally  slight saltiness to the recipe.
  • Let the bacon and ham cooked for a while.
  • While on the wait, combine the milk and the all purpose cream and mix together until well dissolved before adding to the sauted mixture on the pan.
  • After the milk and cream mixture has been added, dissolve the creamof mushroom sauce with water and pour it on.
  • Let it cook for a couple of minutes. Taste to test the saltiness. And if it tastes perfectly enough for you then you're done
  • Top it with grated cheese ( optional )

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